Post-Factual No. 1 (Rill Creek) -  22 inches wide x 22 inches high  -  2016

I have been working quite tightly lately, spending hours on end getting pieces just right. After spending an immersive seven days in Canyonlands National Park and being stripped down to the very base level (via thirst, hunger, fatigue, and exposure), it's time to let loose for a bit. This piece was a full body affair -- quite a workout, really. It's a multi-media piece: pastel, red corrective pencil, pencil, and charcoal collected from a campfire. The inspiration comes from a special spot not too far from my house: drainage number two in a three-drainage loop my dog and I walked from the house this spring. There are waterpockets and current and sculpted rock here -- there's also some dancing happening.

This one is not for sale.