White Rim No. 2 (Working in the Yard)  -  17 inches wide x 6 inches high  -  2016

We had a good runoff this year, and I was lucky to be able to do a six-day inflatable kayak trip with my son while the Green River was peaking in Stillwater Canyon. It was easy living. Our days were spent floating with very little effort, talking about this and that, snacking, reading, and swimming. Our nights included art, story telling, more swimming, and a lot more reading. I was excited to hang out in one particular spot in the canyon, which is where the White Rim formation is first exposed. I thought there might be some good source material there. Well, I was right. My son and I pulled over in the shaded overhang of the White Rim and ate lunch while I wandered around, hunch-backed, taking pictures. Oscar fell in just downstream of here, which gave us a moment of intensity and several moments of laughter.

To create this image, I took a photo on our Stillwater trip. I started the painting on a later 8-day father/son trip on the San Juan river. I transported the work in progress down the Yampa river, but neglected it for other projects, then finished it in my Moab studio.

Note: this original pastel painting has sold. 

Lunch break under the Rim

On the Edge Selfie

Source Material 
